
etsy shop of the month...

my dear friend Jeb Knight has finally established a fantastic Etsy site with a whole bunch of new earth-inspired original (yes, original) watercolors. Jeb's art is much more beautiful in person than you can imagine, and starting at $45 per piece it's definitely worth taking a peek.
see the entire shop here---
jeb 2
jeb 3
jeb 1


when white doesn't scare me / when it does...

when white 3 - seating
when white 1 - dining
when white 4 - bed
all images via Hallie Burton

Dear Santa-Dog...

foundmyanimal 1
Found My Animal is an organization that enthusiatically supports dog adoption. their rope leashes are beautiful and they donate 25% of the profits to the Louis Animal Foundation, a unique non-profit group dedicated to spaying/neutering and providing homes for animals who have not yet ‘found’ their people.
be sure to check out their amazing gallery of adopted dogs.


if i had $2000...

i would buy a galaxy quilt---
galaxy quilt
via jimmy mcbride


pine bedroom - weheartit
via weheartit

Judy's Cottage, Apartment Therapy...

here are my favorite details---
efficient and stylish mudroom:
Judy cottage - mudroom
glossy milk chocolate bathroom tiles:
Judy cottage - bath
Petrie sofa perfection:
Judy cottage - Petrie
beautiful. see the article here.

Dear Santa, No.2...

vintage case
Vintage Leather iPhone case, via Cretouch


my hair hopes...

hair - studded heart
via Studded Hearts, if you're looking for a fantastic fashion blog this is it.

Supermarket Sarah...

ah, to have a vintage store right in your living room. check out Supermarket Sarah. so inspiring. i must do this one day.
supermarket sarah

inspiration: cute kitchens...

kitchen plants
kitchen - hugh stewart
kitchen open shelves
feminine kitchen 1
plates - design sponge
casual kitchen
breakfast nook aqua

19 followers and counting...

have you seen my Tumblr yet?
tumblr collage

Dear Santa...

EOU feather earrings
Vegan Feather Earrings by Jessie Williams, via Edge of Urge